
Date: Friday, May 14, 2021

Time: 10:00 AM AZ Time

Description: This session will provide a brief introduction of several Arizona state agencies to support tribal officials in understanding the role of each agency, how each agency partners with tribes and opportunities to develop and enhance partnerships between the tribe and agency.


10 am- Invocation & Welcome - Michael Allison, Native American Liaison, Department of Health Services


Background: In partnership with the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care is requesting tribal feedback on the AHCCCS Whole Person Care Initiative (WPCI) in order to gain tribal insight and feedback. The AHCCCS WPCI is a new and innovative strategy focused on socioeconomic factors/supports, often referred to as Social Determinants of Health, for AHCCCS members. AHCCCS has addressed these efforts in various ways and would like tribal-specific feedback to inform future efforts.  


Webinar: Arizona Legislative Recap 2020

Background: Each year the Arizona Legislature convenes to consider legislation that impacts state health policy and budget. Many of the policies may have direct/indirect influences on the Indian Health Care System.

Purpose: This presentation will present an overview of the 2020 legislative session and possible next steps. Presenters will discuss policy that impacts Medicaid, Workforce Development and Public Health. 

Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 



