AACIHC Trainings
Training Schedule:
- 2024/2025 Winter - AACIHC Training Schedule (Updated: 1/17/2025)
- 2024 Summer - AACIHC Training Schedule Updated 7-11-2024.pdf (az.gov)
The AACIHC’s Health Education team and the COVID-19 Health Disparities grant team holds virtual training sessions for:
- Community members seeking to learn more about health topics, such as managing chronic diseases, health and wellness (e.g. nutrition and exercise), navigating the healthcare system, health insurance, and general health literacy topics (e.g. how vaccines work, what are viruses and how do they transmit from person-to-person, what is Personal Protective Equipment and how can you use it in your daily life?) etc.
- Health care providers serving the American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) community.
All training sessions are held via ZOOM.
Types of Technical Support and Health Education That Can Be Offered
The AACIHC is able to provide assistance in things like:
- Health Education Topics (e.g. vaccine education, foundations of health literacy and various health topics, such as how viruses work, PPE training, etc.)
- Resource direction (i.e. pointing to available education items on the AHCCCS website or CMS website)
- General billing guidance (e.g. billing different types of health insurance like private health insurers, Medicaid and Medicare).
Please note, that the materials offered on this webpage are meant as general guidance and to help expand knowledge. We cannot offer specific guidance on specific claims, and the final source of truth regarding a claim should always be the insurer being billed directly.
- For example, if a provider is planning to submit a claim to Medicaid and has a question about it, then AHCCCS resources would be the appropriate venue to look for guidance. They offer many trainings, billing manuals, and policy manuals to assist providers.
To request a health education training or a technical support training on a topic of interest from the AACIHC, please use the below Google Form:
Please note, that while we do our best to accommodate requests, training requests outside of the agency's scope or areas of expertise may not be able to be met. Training requests are reviewed on an individual basis. If our agency is not the appropriate venue for the training request, we will direct your team to an organization that can assist (i.e. AHCCCS, CMS, CDC, etc.)
- Billing requests for Medicaid members or questions about specific claim denials will be re-directed to the appropriate department at AHCCCS. Our team does not have access to the claims system, so cannot review individual claims.
- Requests for trainings not yet on our regular schedule and 1:1 training requests require approximately 3 months advance notice.
All training sessions are held via ZOOM.
Zoom is a web-based meeting platform. To participate in a training session, community members and providers alike, must click on the registration link, and register in advance.
Zoom training reminders are emailed via AACIHC email alert 1 week, 1 day, and 1 hour ahead of the scheduled training session. The training schedule is subject to change and participants will be notified of any changes.
All trainings held shall have a PDF of their PowerPoints linked below under the appropriate topic heading.
A brief Zoom tutorial is at the bottom of the training schedule: Zoom Tutorial
CHR Billing Series
- CHR Billing - Claim Form and Coding Basics (Updated 11/14/2024)
- CHR Billing - Documentation Basics and Provider Registration (Updated 11/14/2024)
- Medicare Topics - CHR Billing for Medicare (Updated 11/14/2024)
Please note that AHCCCS is the final source of all billing guidance. The AHCCCS Fee-for-Service (FFS) Provider Training team's webpage can be found here: https://www.azahcccs.gov/Resources/Training/DFSM_Training.html
Long COVID Series
- Part 1: What is Long COVID?
- Part 2: Public Health Considerations
- Four Walls Training (Being updated....4 Walls Requirements have changed as of 11/1/2024)
- Virology 101: What are Viruses?
- Viruses: What’s with all the Variants? – Part 1
- Viruses: What’s with all the Variants? – Part 2
- Vaccines 101: What are Vaccines and How Do They Work?
- Vaccines 101: Vaccine Safety and Manufacturing
- Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Part 1
- Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Part 2
- Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Part 3
- Vaccine Information for Mom and Dad
- Flu Vaccine Training
- COVID Vaccine Training
- Staying Physically Active in a Busy World (Updated 11/14/2024)
- Preparing for Sheep Shearing Pamphlet (Updated 12/1/2023)
- Managing Burnout - Coming Soon!
- Self-Care and Management - Coming Soon!
- Health Insurance Marketplace 101 (Updated 11/29/2024)
- Medicaid Health Insurance Options for American Indians and Alaska Natives - FFS and MCO and Freedom of Choice (Updated 11/14/2024)
- Third Party Liability: Part 1 (Updated 11/14/2024)
- Third Party Liability: Part 2 (Updated 11/14/2024)
- Epidemiology 101: Part 1 (Updated: 8/13/2024)
- Epidemiology 101: Part 2 (Updated: 11/12/2024)
- Data Sovereignty (Updated: 6/4/2024)
- Chain of Infection (Updated: 11/14/2024)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Mask Wearing 101 and Community Mask Wearing Guidance (Updated: 7/23/2024)
- Traveling Safely During a Pandemic or Outbreak of Infectious Illness (Updated 11/12/2024)
Coming Soon in 2025.....
- Grants 101: Searching for Grant Opportunities and Grants.gov - Coming soon!
- Grants 101: Navigating Grants.gov - Coming soon!
- Grants 101: How to Read a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) - Coming soon!