Per A.R.S. 36-2902.01 the AACIHC is established…to give tribal governments, tribal organizations and urban Indian health care organizations in this state, representation in shaping Medicaid and health care policies and laws that impact the populations they serve.

The Mission of the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care (AACIHC) is to serve as a resource for all Tribal governments and the State of Arizona by supporting prevention, training, education, workforce development, policy and legislation to meet the unique health care needs of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) population in Arizona. We seek to educate and advocate for improved health outcomes.

The goal of the AACIHC as prescribed by A.R.S. 36-2902.02 is…to assist Tribes and Urban Indian Health Organizations to develop comprehensive medical and public health care delivery and financing systems to meet the needs of American Indian Tribes in this state.
View the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care's updated Strategic Plan here
Learn more about our vision, mission and goals.