Tashina Machain

Tashina Machain
American Indian Health - Area Health Education Center (AIH-AHEC) - Youth Program Coordinator

Tashina Machain is the Youth Program Coordinator for the American Indian Health-Area Health Education Center (AIH-AHEC) and is responsible for overseeing the development and fulfillment of the health career exploration programs for K-12 students in schools, health organization and independent club entities. Tashina has 10+ years of experience working with youth program development, higher education health career exploration, grant coordination and mentorship.

Prior to joining the AIH-AHEC team Tashina served as the outreach coordinator for the Arizona Indians into Medicine (AzINMED) program at the University of Arizona where she worked closely with Arizona health professions program students and undergraduate students to foster their interest in pursuing health professional careers through student mentorship, seeking out financial assistance, conference presentations, and hands on health career activities. Tashina also served 5 years with the Southeast Arizona Area Health Education Center in Nogales, Arizona as the Native American workforce development coordinator partnering with Southern Arizona Tribes. In addition to her role at AIH-AHEC Tashina serves as adjunct faculty with Tohono O’odham Community College instructing the Exploring Careers in Health Care 101 class.

Tashina is a tribally enrolled member of the Navajo Nation and is Kinyaa’aanii, Towering House People Clan, born for Nakaii Dine, Mexican People Clan. She is the maternal grandchild of Tachii’nii, Red Running into the Water People Clan and the paternal granddaughter of Nakaii Dine, Mexican People Clan. She is originally from Navajo New Mexico.