Contact Tracing
Coming Soon...

Contact Tracing Community Infographics
Do you need to explain to community members what contact tracing is, what public health officials may request, and why they are requesting it? Below are some infographics for public domain use.

Technical Assistance and Tools
Case Investigation and Contact Tracing Approaches
Community Engagement Checklist for Health Departments / Public Health Agencies
Case Investigation Workflow
Contact Tracing Workflow
What is Digital Contact Tracing vs. Traditional Contact Tracing?

Materials for Case Investigators and Contact Tracers
- Contact Tracing Models within Tribal Communities
- Contact Tracer’s Interview Tool: Notifying People About an Exposure to COVID-19
This is guide provides suggested communication approaches and steps for public health staff to create a script for contact tracers to tell people that they may have been exposed to COVID-19. - Case Investigator’s Interview Tool: Talking with People about COVID-19
This document is to provide suggested communication strategies for COVID-19 case interviews. - Key Information to Collect During a Case Interview
- Overview of Contact Tracing
A brief summary of contact tracing and what to expect - COVID-19 Contact Tracing Training and Resources
Trainings for public health professionals interested in becoming a contact tracer or case investigator, as well as those who already serve in these roles and are seeking to improve their knowledge.

Contact Tracing in High Impact Areas
- Prioritizing Case Investigation and Contact Tracing for COVID-19 in High Burden Jurisdictions
This new guidance further refines prioritization recommendations and presents emerging modeling data regarding timeframes for effectiveness.