AZ State Capitol



Per A.R.S. 36-2902.01 the AACIHC is established…to give tribal governments, tribal organizations and urban Indian health care organizations in this state, representation in shaping Medicaid and health care policies and laws that impact the populations they serve.

2022 Legislative Priorities

Every year, the Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care (AACIHC) creates a legislative agenda comprising of priorities that will positively impact the Indian Health Care System. This year three priorities are being advocated for. Ensure you stay updated with our weekly updates and by signing up on the Request to Speak (RTS) system.  

2022 AACIHC Priorities

Creating a comprehensive uncapped dental benefit for adults on medicaid

Summary: Currently, there are no bills sponsored that would create an uncapped comprehensive dental benefit for adults on Medicaid, but bills to address specific populations are being considered.

Expandng medicaid coverage for postpartum women from 2 months to 12 months

Summary: Extends Medicaid coverage to women who are less than one year postpartum whose income is less than 150% of the FPL; Appropriates $2.7M from the general fund and $6.2M from the Medicaid expenditure authority for FY23.

Expanding income eligibility of kidscare from 200% FPL to 300% FPL

Summary: Increases the cap for eligibility for the Children’s Health Insurance Program to those children with a family income at or below 250% of the FPL.